Version Info

This section covers some key items that are updated on every new release of the Website, Runtime Software, etc.


All screenshot images in the website can be clicked on to be read more easily.


A PDF of the website can be generated from the lower left Read the Docs tab.

P2CDS-622 Firmware Version


Version: 1.1.10
  • Date of Release: 06/14/24

  • Items Updated:

    • Add IO module support for: P2-06TRS, P2-16ND-TTL, P2-16TD-TTL


Version: 1.1.9
  • Date of Release: 05/08/24

  • Items Updated:

    • NVL Max number errata resolved

Version: 1.1.8
  • Date of Release: 09/25/23

  • Items Updated:

    • Firmware Update revision

Website Version


Version: 1.10
  • Date of Release: 7/22/24

    • Per the upgrades coming with the Read The Docs host site involving the Add-ons.

    • “” updated.


Version: 1.9
  • Date of Release: 6/20/24

    • Added “Trend Recording Manager” to Unsupported Features.

Version: 1.8
  • Date of Release: 6/14/24

    • Clarified the .pkg version number versus Runtime in Preparation section.

    • For this ver Runtime, the “.pkg” file shows in CODESYS Installer as version

Version: 1.7
  • Date of Release: 6/14/24

    • New IO Modules Supported

    • FW 1.1.10 update.

    • Add Legacy F/W links section

Version: 1.6
  • Date of Release: 5/24/24

    • “SysTimeRTCSet Errata” added.

    • Typo fixed in “Real Time Clock (RTC)” section.

Version: 1.5
  • Date of Release: 5/08/24

    • “NVL Errata” removed.

    • FW 1.1.9 updated.

Version: 1.4
  • Date of Release: 4/23/24

    • “Symbol Configuration” unsupported entry.

Version: 1.3
  • Date of Release: 2/1/24

    • WebVisu clarification of features/limits.

    • Errata re. “Network Variables” and maximum number of variables allowed.

Version: 1.2
  • Date of Release: 1/25/24

    • P2-8AD4DA-2 Voltage correction.

    • Add USB Device connection image.

Version: 1.1
  • Date of Release: 1/24/24

    • Add additional reference to Modbus Simulator

Version: 1.0
  • Date of Release: 1/23/24

    • Add PDF generation verbiage.

    • Add Status Signal e.g. “Module Not Ready” descriptors to RTD/NTC/THM.

    • Various Grammar/typos. Regen PDF to check.

    • TE updates incorp’d. Project screenshot typos in later revision.

    • Add “CheckBounds” errata.

    • Removed “License to Install” in Readme

    • Removed Previous history items

    • Add screenshot of Windows/USB device.

    • Update WebVisu section.

    • Update WebVisu Cert items.

    • Update WebsVisu/Netconfig

    • WebVisu browser cert items.

Version: 0.2 (Pre-Production release)
  • Date of Release: 12/05/23

    • Add IEC61131 to Welcome page